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How to. Gmail Setup for Bill & Receipt Collection direct into Veryfi
How to. Gmail Setup for Bill & Receipt Collection direct into Veryfi

Set Gmail Autoforwarding to Veryfi

Updated over 7 months ago

With every Veryfi account (subscription) you will receive your very own email address. You can use this email address to forward a predefined set of bills & receipts to it and see it inside your Veryfi app within minutes. This is in our opinion the safest and fastest way to handle bills.

To locate your email address go here:

Today, most billers offer a variant of email billing (aka ? EcoBill). Maybe you already have it set up and are getting bills and receipts emailed to your Gmail. Here’s how to go to the next step and automatically forward them to Veryfi so they get processed (data is extracted) by Veryfi and made available in your Veryfi app anywhere and anytime.

Sounds good? Let’s get on with the show.

Step by Step: 1st, let’s authenticate your

Before you can set Filter Forwarding in Gmail, you must authorize your Veryfi email address.

1. Go to your Gmail “Settings,” and under the tab “Forwarding and POP/IMAP,” you will see a button “Add a forwarding address” (as pictured below). Press it to add your own email address.

You can also go there directly via this link:

2. As pictured below, add your own email address and press the “Next” button.
Gmail will tell you that you need to authorize this forwarding email address.

3. Go back to your Gmail Inbox and refresh the page or press the Inbox link in the left menu to reload your emails.

In a minute or two, you will see an email arrived with a subject line “Forwarding Confirmation – Receive Mail from XXX” asking you whether you confirm the forwarding email. Open this email and press the long encrypted link to confirm. And that’s it. Now you can start setting up Filter Forwarding.

Step by Step: setup Filter Forwarding

This section deals with forwarding your bills to your email address. You need to do these steps for each biller. Once set up it will always work automatically. Let’s try using a Comcast Xfinity example.

1. Login to your Gmail account where you receive bill/receipts from Vendors/Billers like Comcast, Verizon, PG&E, etc.. anyone who sends you bills to pay for services you consume.

2. Find the bill you want to forward to Veryfi. In this example, I will use Comcast Xfinity. Once you have found the email, open it (as pictured) and press the down-arrow button next to the Reply button to reveal a set of options. Press the “Filter messages like this”.

3. You will now see a Filters dialog. Just make sure the “From” email address is correct. This tells Gmail that you want to do something with any emails that come from that address. If you are okay with it, press the “Create filter with this search” link at the bottom of that dialog.

4. The next dialog and the final step is to tell Gmail that you want to “Forward it to” by pressing the checkbox in front of “Forward it to” and selecting your email address from the dropdown (As pictured). If you did the Forwarding email steps above correctly, you should have the option to select your personal email address from the dropdown. If not, then either reach out to us at or redo the “Setup a Forwarding email address” steps above.

5. When you are happy with this, just press “Create filter.” That’s it.

If you want to confirm that the Forwarding Filter was created correctly, go to this link which takes you to your Gmail settings. Then scroll to the very bottom of the page and you should see the Forwarding Filter there.

6. When Comcast Xfinity (or the biller you set up) sends a bill double check it also appears inside your Veryfi mobile and web app under Documents If it doesn’t, then please reach out to us so we can help debug this. Otherwise, happy bill automation!


If you experience any problem or need help setting this up, then please reach out to ~ we are here for you and enjoy learning from your experience.

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