11 articles
How to Navigate your Veryfi InboxWatch these video instructions to get more insights on how to navigate your Inbox
Bulk actions on Projects
How to customize your Inbox > Documents table columnsBoost your Productivity by Customizing your Documents view. Enable necessary Columns. Track what you need only.
How do I modify the data?Most fields are editable by tapping on them
How to Bulk assign / Bulk edit your DataBulk assign or edit Categories, Tags, Vendors, Payments, Billable, Customers, Reimbursable, Archived data and Delete documents
ToDo NotificationsVeryfi tells you in real-time what documents need your attention this month
Why is my Tax auto-calculated?Veryfi seems to be adding tax where I don't want it to. Why is that?
How to Manage ToDo NotificationsCheck out this video on ToDo Notifications
What exchange rate Veryfi use to convert the currency?Current market exchange rate for that day
Bulk Actions for Bulk EditingVideo instructions on Bulk Actions
Does this service allow for a local back up of receipts for the end user?How to save your receipts locally on your mobile device