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Add / Edit / Delete Tags

add, edit or delete tags

Updated over a week ago

What is a Tag? 

Tags are additional metadata for labeling your Documents. 

You can then Generate Reports based on Tags for say that business trip you took to Hawaii or a Location based office.  

When a new user is added to Veryfi, a user account can either inherit list of Tags from their team Administrator or  be created with with a blank list of Tags.

Additional settings

Are located here and allow you to:
(a) Share your Tags list with your team
(b) Enable your team to create their own Tags

How to Add a Tag

  1. Press the + ADD A TAG  blue button as shown below


How to Edit  a Tag 

From the Tags page ( ), simply press the blue dashed underline link where the Name is to Edit it in place. When done, hit enter (or outside the container) to save it.

How to Delete a Tag

This icon (above) means more. Press it and you will see MORE options for a specific row (as shown below). In the dropdown context menu you will see an option called "Delete". Pressing it will prompt you whether you want to delete a Tag.

How to Delete multiple Tags at once

The checkboxes on each row open up BULK OPTIONS (as shown below). Therefore, checking multiple rows will allow you to delete all those selected rows at once as shown below. Try it out. A confirmation window will always prompt you to confirm your action in case it was made by a mistake or as a test.

What happens to Documents when I delete their Tags?

If you Delete a Tag(s) that is/are assigned to one or multiple Documents, Veryfi will automatically unmap those documents from the deleted Tag(s).  

Other Related Articles that might be helpful: 

Categories vs Tags
Add / Edit / Delete Category
How to Generate a Report
Add a Tag or Category to your email receipts 

Categories vs Tags
Add / Edit / Delete Category
How to Generate a Report
Add a Tag or Category to your email receipts 

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