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Expense Management App
Expense Management App

SMB Product [SaaS, $19.99/mo, Mobile app + Web portal]

167 articles
Do you integrate with WhatsApp?Yes! Here's how...
PDF Splitter inside Veryfi PortalSplit multipage PDF
PDF Splitter in VeryfiMultipage PDFs with separate invoices inside - not a problem anymore!

Video Series for AccountantsGetting started for Accountants
Veryfi for Accountants & BookkeepersWhat makes Veryfi an ideal service for Accountants and Bookkeepers wanting to modernize their client's bookkeeping
Veryfi for Accountants Intro. Video TutorialPractice Management Software you need
Getting Started for Accountants. Video TutorialsVeryfi for Accountants is an Accounting Practice Management Portal for Accountants and Bookkeepers
How to Manage your Client's Billing. Video Tutorials.Manage your client's billing all by yourself using Veryfi's simplified self-serve billing portal
How to manage Clients with Different CurrenciesHave Clients that work with different Currencies and have different Date Formats? No worries!
Client Portal TipsOnce you added a Client, here's what you need to know about the CLIENT Portal view
ToDo Bell Notifications for your Client AccountsWhat does the bell icon with a number next to my client account mean?
How to invite my accountant or bookkeeper to my Veryfi booksForget the old school methods of doing this. No more sending or faxing paper documents at the end of the year.
Give a team member access to your Clients
How to manage my Veryfi ClientsFor Accountants, Bookkeepers, CPAs and Trusted Advisors wanting to manage their client books (account)
How to use the Client Management portalAccountant Practice Management Software by Veryfi
How to Remove Clients from Your BillingFor Accountants, Bookkeepers, CPAs and Trusted Advisors looking to remove a client from their subscription

How to Track Reimbursable ExpensesReimbursable Expenses Submitting/ Approval /Reporting
How to Review and Approve Business Expenses?Have a credit card for company expenses and you want to make sure they’re all legitimate?
Expense Approval for Teams. Video InstructionsIt helps businesses to streamline the tasks: creating, validating, and approving expense reimbursement claims for employee-incurred expenses
Date Filter DefinitionsDate filters for document/categories/vendors/etc
How to Move Documents to a different Profile or Team member?Moving Documents between different Profiles / Team members
Searching your Inbox for your Team's Document/sNeed to find a receipt someone on your team recorded? No worries. It's easy. Here's how
How to split by multiple job/cost codes (items)Segment a bill/receipt by different job/cost codes inside Veryfi web app
Money In and Money Out
Why can't I enter negative amounts?
How to gather all Not Viewed Documents in one place?Didn't have time to work on submitted data? No worries. Now it is easy to find.
How to find Cloned DocumentsTo find Cloned Documents, please enable Document ID Column in your Inbox
How to change Money In to Money Out?Money In / Money Out can be changed in the Document Detail view
I cannot see my receipts in DocumentsTo see past receipts, use the filters options
Cloning receiptsA better method than bill splits using sub-ledgers
How to Archive Old Receipts?What to do with your old aka processed receipts? Let`s Archive them!
How to edit my Data in Bulk?

Veryfi Reporting Video TutorialExpense, P&L, Job Costing, Monthly Activity Reports etc.
All Collection Methods Overview. Video Tutorials.Scan, Upload, Email, Dictate, Type etc..
How to Export Line Items from your Veryfi InboxExporting line items into CSV file
How to upload receipts using your browserDrag and drop your receipts, bills, invoices, airbnb csv ledger etc into Veryfi's web app for real-time OCR processing
How to Generate Last Month Report
How to Email your Receipts, Bills & Invoices to VeryfiWatch these video instructions to get more insights
What is my email address?How to email receipts like hotel receipts, pos receipts or bills to Veryfi Inbox
How to. Gmail Setup for Bill & Receipt Collection direct into VeryfiSet Gmail Autoforwarding to Veryfi
How to set Outlook to automatically forward Bills to Veryfi?Use rules in Outlook Web App to automatically forward messages to another account
I forwarded receipts to my Veryfi email, but I can't see them inside the appWhere have my digital emails gone to?
Add a Tag or Category to your email receiptsJust add Tag(s) or Category to the end of the subject line
How to Manually Add ReceiptsUse to manually collect documents
What ways can I collect receipts?
How to Stitch Additional Receipts to an Existing Inbox Transaction with Veryfi web app?How to add a 2nd receipt to an existing transaction in your inbox.
What email do I forward digital receipts, bills & invoices to?Bill fetch & forward your digital receipts directly into Veryfi
Can I use my Apple Watch to Collect Expenses?Yes you can. Check out this short demo video of Veryfi running on Apple Watch.

Expense Reporting Explained. Video Tutorials.Video explains how to use Veryfi's Expense Reporting
How to Create a Yearly ReportHow to create an annual report for 2022, 2023, 2024 etc..
How to Generate a Logbook Report in CSV formatHere's how to generate a CSV report of all your drives. CSV files are comma separated value files and often used with Microsoft Excel.
How to print your Reports directly from mobileYou can print your expense report using your iphone or android app via air print
How do I export all my data?Create a Report. It contains a zip of all your receipts.
How to Create a ReportGenerate / create a report using web app
How do I email reports from my mobile?Emailing Veryfi Reports
How can I download all of my receipt images?Downloading your receipt images from Veryfi
Does Veryfi allow me to save the actual scanned invoice PDFs locally on my computer?I need to have all PDFs saved locally as a backup
Is there a way to download receipts that are entered through the app?Sometimes we need to provide copies to clients and it would be helpful if they could be compiled into an email.
How do I print my receipts for an entire year?How to get a list of all my receipts for the year
Why do my PDF reports contain both thumbnail images of receipts and large images?PDF reports contain large and small receipt images
I need my reports to show a different currency. Currently, everything is converted to U.S. Dollars. Can I change this?Changing Veryfi default currency is done in your Profile Settings
Is there a way to add a conversion column for foreign currency and set the preference for CAD rather than USD?How to add a conversion column for managing foreign currency when you travel overseas